Sunday, August 5, 2012

Business Blogs: Businesses Increase Marketing through Customer Relations

Kansas City—Freelance writer and online marketer Phyllis Edson said today that businesses should utilize business blogs to develop relationships with consumers.  
     An online blog, formerly known as a web log, is a site in which comments and posts are listed chronologically, as they are posted.   Unlike a business website, which is usually static and is more of an online brochure, blogs are dynamic.  The business can add updates about products, features, promotions and post them easily.  Also, customers can leave comments which can also be viewed and responded to by the business owner and by other customers. 
     “A blog allows businesses to interact with customers and develop relationships with them,”  she said.  “By helping customers and responding to them, a business is much more likely to get repeat business from those customers.”   
     A business blog can act as a customer relations department, said Edson.  “For every customer a business hears from who has a complaint or problem with a product, there are many more with have the same issue that the business never hears from.”  By posting responses to customers online, the business is not only answering questions for more than one customer, it’s showing it wants to be responsive to customers.   “In terms of marketing and customer services, blogs are much more efficient and effective,” she said. 
     Edson provides research and writing services including  press releases, content for newsletters, brochures, websites and blogs. 
     She has 20 years of writing experience.  For each client, she says, she provides professionally written, well-researched products that satisfy the needs of the individual client and appeal to that client’s audience. 
     For more information on business blogs, contact Phyllis Edson at 816-305-5828 or e-mail her at phyllisedson@comcast.netBusiness Blogs.  Visit her website at

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