Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Small Businesses Profit: Online Marketing Package Generates Sales

Freelance writer and online marketer Phyllis Edson announced a special offer this week to encourage small businesses to improve their online marketing efforts. 
     “Many small business owners get the website up and forget it.  The development of the website is just the first step in marketing your business online,” she said. 
     Marketing online requires constant attention.  You need to develop fresh content, post press releases, change content according to changes in your business and in keyword searches, she said.  “And that’s just the beginning.”
     To help businesses market online, Edson is making a special offer to show business owners how effective it can be.  Her package includes the following:
* Write and distribute 1 press release
* Write or rewrite a business website homepage, including meta-data
* Create a coupon
* Set-up online e-mail marketing list
* Write 2 blog articles 

     As a package, this will increase your business’s online marketing efforts. 
     Write and distribute 1 press release: Posting a press release online can increase your visibility with the search engines and with customers. 
     Write/rewrite a homepage, including meta-data: Meta-data is a definite must-have if you want to drive traffic to your website, but it is commonly overlooked by graphic and web designers.  By purchasing this package, I’ll supply you with the meta-data needed for the search engines.        
     Create a coupon: A coupon can be an easy incentive to get people to sign up for your e-mail or e-newsletter marketing list. 
     Set-up online e-mail marketing list: Setting up a way to collect names and e-mails is a powerful and cost-effective method to create a marketing list, which you can then use forever. 
     Write 2 blog articles:  Blogs are usually indexed more quickly than websites.  Using keywords in blog articles relevant to your business will help increase your visibility with search engines and people.  As a package, this will increase your business’s online marketing efforts. 
   Marketing and advertising efforts, especially those executed online, can take up to three months to in order to see results, she said.  This package can help you jumpstart your holiday marketing efforts, she said.  “This package will help your business get found online, increasing traffic to your website and bringing traffic to your door,” said Edson.  
     Edson is a professional freelance writer and online marketer with more than 20 years of writing experience.  She offers a variety of services including online marketing expertise, blogs, articles, copywriting, web writing, ghostwriting and more.  Edson writes custom content and pieces for each and every content which are researched and written specifically to suit the needs of that client. 
     For more information about this package or any of her online marketing services, please visit Edson’s website at www.phyllisedson.com or e-mail her at phyllis.edson@comcast.net. 



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